Saturday, January 23, 2010

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today are:

Faux's Glen Brick deluded as usual lies saying "The republic and the progressive movement cannot coexist" and "are diametrically opposed to each other".
Wrong. The progressive movement is a continuation of the principles of the those who founded this country as a republic.

Paul Broun (reptile - Georgia) lies claiming the House of Representatives "is overrun by many domestic enemies of the Constitution, and the Senate's full of a bunch of them also".
He's absolutely correct on this one folks, only thing is it is he and his fellow mendicants in the repugican party that are the domestic enemies of the Constitution, though he is not referring to himself or his fellow troglodytes.

Lush Dimbulb lies claiming "leftists" want "every CEO in jail and every soldier in jail".
Just the ones guilty of crimes, you fat, boy ass plunderer.

Faux's Glen Brick lies yet again hinting that Obama is "a radical revolutionary" who is trying "to intentionally collapse the financial system".
Wrong, your fellow idiots have already done that.

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