Monday, January 25, 2010

Lush's numbers add up ... but not as he claims

While Lush Dimbulb may be one of the most listened to individuals, a look at the numbers shows some interesting things.

In Fresno, for example, Lush typically has 9-11% of the 25-54 year old Average Quarter Hour radio audience, which is more than any of the other 75 plus radio signals reaching the Fresno market. However if you look at the inverse of that number, you'll see that Lush has about 90% of the radio audience that does NOT listen to him.

Here is a set of typical ratings numbers.

Age group Percent listening to Lush
12-17 0.05
18-34 3.6
25-54 10.1
45-54 13.3
50-64 18.3
55-64 19.5
65-74 22.0
75+ 31.8

Meaning the closer you are to senility or death, the more likely you listen to Lush.

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