Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nuclear Winter: Now Easier to Trigger than Ever (In Short: We'd be F#%^ed)

From Treehugger:

Nagasaki before and after 1945 bombing. Photo: Public domain image.

Regional Nuclear War Could Trigger a 10-Year Nuclear Winter
Nuclear weapons are the gift that keeps on giving. We knew they were horrible from the very start (Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- historical trivia: Nagasaki's nuke was supposed to be dropped on Kokura, where the founder of Toyota was on that day), but over the following decades we kept discovering new reasons why they are bad: In the early 1980s, more and more studies showed that a nuclear winter was probable, and this probably helped cool down the cold war. More recently, a study showed that even a small regional nuclear war could create the mother of all ozone holes. But now we learn that even a small regional nuclear war could create our worst nightmare, a nuclear winter lasting about 10 years (!).

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