Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sea level on N.C. coast continues to rise

The only question: how much?

The sea level on the N.C. coast is likely to rise by 1.2 feet to as much as 4.6 feet this century, a panel of scientists told a state forum today.

The broad range reflects the uncertainty in how much the seas will rise, the panel reported. Globally, the rise has accelerated since the 1990s and that trend is expected to continue.

The estimates will be used by coastal managers for planning purposes, but they could widely affect residents too. By including sea level rise in land-management plans on the coast, for instance, areas that are likely to flood in future decades could be declared unsuited for high-density development.

The N.C. Department of Transportation is already considering the likely rise of the sea in coming decades as it designs coastal bridges and highways, officials said.

Addressing sea-level rise "is going to cost. It's pay now or pay later," said David Knight, an assistant secretary of the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. "It's hard to think 80 to 100 years down the road, which is why it's important to incorporate it into long-term planning and let science lead on this."

The panel presentation wrapped up a two-day sea-level science forum organized by the N.C. Division of Coastal Management.

More on this story at This Old State: A frightening sea?

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