Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sign the petition

Found this wonderful post @ Skippy

Sign the petition to tell CBS not to air the anti-choice Tim Tebow ad , which is based on a lie to begin with: the fight heated up yesterday when famed women’s rights activist and powerhouse attorney Gloria Allred stepped up to slam the ad.

Obviously, Allred opposes the ads personally for anti-choice reasons, but she has an even more pressing concern, “will CBS still insist on running this anti-choice commercial that is outright misleading advertising”?

You see, the ad’s story features the mother of the relig-o-facist football player Tim Tebow, who claims she went against her doctor’s advisement during a difficult pregnancy in the Phillipines to carry her pregnancy to term. she birthed Tim, and now we are all able to witness the glory of Tim running around on a turf with his football, which is very lovely. I believe the message is that you shouldn’t abort your fetus because what if he turns out to be a football player.

Attorney Gloria Allred has questioned the veracity of Mrs. Tebow’s claim that doctors advised her to terminate her pregnancy, since abortion in the philippines has been illegal since 1930 and is punishable by a six-year prison term for both the doctor and the mother.

Yean, I know. Crazy! That a wingnut relig-o-facist group would twist a story to promote their own agenda! It’s almost too wild to be true!

Gloria, Allred goes on to urge Les Moonves to think carefully on this matter, stating, “this is not just another ad. Women’s lives are at stake. No woman should have to live in a country where abortion is illegal as it once was in the U.S. and was and is in the Philippines.”

Allred states definitively that, “no sugar coated religiously inspired ad which fails to give all of the relevant facts should be permitted to air on cbs or anywhere else.”

GLAAD has made the following statement:
“CBS’s decision to run a focus on the family ad during this year’s super bowl can’t and shouldn’t be considered in a vacuum. CBS spent years denying a platform to an LGBT-inclusive church that wanted to share a message of inclusion with a national audience. Now, when it happens to be financially inconvenient for CBS to hold to the standard it had previously imposed, the network’s expediency benefits a virulently anti-gay organization whose advocacy on these issues is the antithesis of that of the united church of christ.”

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