Friday, January 8, 2010

Teabaggers looking for new targets

A founder of the "tea party" movement said Wednesday he had a warning for repugican state leaders: Back wingnut candidates or else other states will suffer the same backlash that toppled Florida's repugican party chairman this week.

"We are turning our guns on anyone who doesn't support constitutional conservative candidates," said Dale Robertson, who operates out of Houston and helped start the movement nearly two years ago.

He declined to say which states are next on the tea party's hit list. He said party leaders in those states would be warned privately, but the movement's wrath "will be very clear publicly" if they don't listen.


This is the same moron who used the "N" word on a sign he held up at one of his 'rallies' and in typical teabagger fashion he misspelled it.

kylebunch: Go Cards. Go USA.
Oh, and it's spelled M-O-R-O-N ... not, M-O-R-A-N ... by the way (in reference to another typical teabagger spelling champion.)

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