Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top Teabagger is mad: Don't call us 'an offensive sexual slur'

Joe Sudbay at AMERICAblog had this to say today:

The teabaggers don't like being called teabaggers. Yesterday, via email, I got a press release from one of the leaders of the teabagging movement, David Webb, the "Co-Founder Tea Party 365, Inc." Webb is steamed at Senator Chuck Schumer:
The senior Senator from New York has joined the ranks of Janeane Garofalo, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews in insulting Americans who exercise their rights in a Democratic manner. These stalwarts of Liberalism claim to uphold fiercely the rights of all, unless you hold a position that does not suit them. Massachusetts residents have legitimate policy concerns about Martha Coakley and a 1st Amendment Right to voice them.

Senator Schumer stated in an official email "Martha Coakley is running to fill the rest of Ted Kennedy's term, and her opponent is a far-right tea-bagger Republican." The accurate definition of "tea-bagger" or any derivation is an offensive sexual slur referring to the placement of a man's testicles on a woman's chin. One can only wonder how the women in Senator Schumer's offices, residents of New York or any woman who interacts with the Senator feel about his public and official use of such an offensive sexual slur in referring to American citizens he is elected to represent.
Who knew the teabaggers were so thin-skinned? And, I don't think Webb's definition is quite "accurate."

Samantha Jones explains it here.

This press release reads like it was inspired by Andy Cobb's teabagger video:

Of course, Webb's reaction also means we must only refer to the teabaggers as teabaggers.


Isn't 'quite accurate' is correct - but it is to expected from an idiot who cannot even spell his racial slurs properly.

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