Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Asian Carp Lose Interest in Great Lakes Amid Waffling by Obama, Illinois, Army Corps

From Treehugger:

asian carp great lakesCredit: Flickr via kate.gardiner

If only the headline were true. The truth is, leaders in the Great Lakes region are crying for help in the fight against Asian carp. Barack Obama, who just happens to be a former Illinois senator, has opposed plans, along with officials in his state, to close Chicago area shipping locks in a last-ditch effort to keep the monster invasive fish from colonizing the lakes.

Studies by Notre Dame experts have found Asian Carp DNA beyond a barrier designed to keep them from entering Lake Michigan, and in a Lake Michigan harbor. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, meanwhile, has proposed closing the locks for a few days a week in an effort to control the fish—a plan that Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox called "as logical as keeping criminals in jail four days a week and hoping the other three days go well." What's next? For now, the fight has gone online. Maybe shame will move this along?

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