Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back away from the Teabagger

Reports are 'coming out' that the wingnuts are now trying to purge the Teabaggers of their most extreme elements, such as birthers and the militia movement:
After months of struggling to harness the energy of newly engaged tea party activists, the wingnut 'establishment' - with critical midterm congressional elections on the horizon - is taking aim for the first time at the movement’s extremist elements.

The move has been cast by some wingnuts as a modern version of the marginalization of the far-right anti-communist John Birch Society during the reorganization of the wingnut cabal spearheaded in the 1960s and 1970s by William F. Buckley Jr.

“A similar effort will be required today of wingnut political and intellectual (now there's a joke), leaders,” former shrub speechwriter Michael Gerson wrote in his column in the Washington Post . “It will not be easy. Sometimes it takes courage to stand before a large crowd and proclaim that two plus two equals four.”
In front of wingnuts, that would be nigh on to impossible.
You see, facts have a liberal bias.
It's the reason a recent study showed that kids who go to college end up more liberal.
Intelligence and knowledge tend to make you more accepting of reality, and other human beings.
That doesn't go over all that well in repugican circle-jerks, where far too many just know that great grandma used to hang out with pterodactyls.

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