Monday, February 15, 2010

Bill Kristol Claims That repugicans Haven't Politicized National Security

In yet another case of self delusion:

Bill Kristol isn't happy that John Brennan accussed (accused nothing, he told the truth - and we all know how repugicans hate the truth) the repugicans of playing politics with national security so of course his response is to claim it's actually the Democrats playing politics and claim that the repugicans would never do that. His proof, they support the president on Iraq and Afghanistan. If I had a dollar for every time the Republicans played the terrorist fear mongering card for political gain I'd be a rich person. As David noted they've been playing this game since 9-11 and don't like that they're finally being called out for it.


Thanks to the folks over at Crooks and Liars for bringing this to our attention.

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