Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Carnivorous plant photo gallery

 Images Drosera-Regia-Carnivorous-Plants-6 Smithsonian has a slideshow of ten carnivorous plants.
Of course, classics like the Venus Flytrap and Pitcher plant are featured, but so are several you might not be familiar with such as the Waterwheel, Rainbow plant, and King sundew (pictured above)

Though the king sundew (Drosera regia) grows only in one valley in South Africa, members of the Drosera genus can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Charles Darwin devoted much of his book Insectivorous Plants to the sundews. Sticky mucilage on Drosera plants traps prey--usually an insect attracted to light reflecting off drops of dew or to the plant's reddish tentacles--and eventually suffocates it. Digestive enzymes then break down the plant's meal.

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