Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Could Lush Dimbulb Deter Pine Bark Beetles?

From Treehugger (albeit - edited for proper terminology and spelling):
Finally - a use for the blowhard!

rush limbaugh pitching baseball photo
Image credit: Elective Decisions

Jeff has already explored a whole variety of diseased and pest ridden trees this week, but the pine bark beetle's march has to be one of the biggest threats to forests in North America. Unsurprisingly, researchers are working hard to find ways to combat this debilitating pest. But some of their methods are less than conventional. Could it be that playing recordings of lush Dimbulb backwards might help deter this unwanted visitor? One debilitating pest driving another debilitating pest insane ... yes, it would work.

Could Lush Dimbulb Deter Pine Bark Beetles?


Well, he makes anyone or in this case anything with a functioning brain run screaming into the night, so ...

But it does prove what those with functioning brains have known all along ... wingnuts, i.e., repugicans are dumber than bugs.

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