Saturday, February 27, 2010

Criminal clown

This gentleman is Tony Alexander Pete, 43, aka "Happy." Police in Ogden, Utah are seeking Happy who is a suspect in a burglary that took place Wednesday evening.
Happy, a career criminal, is easily identified due to his unique facial tattoos.

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

 Live Media Site297 2010 0225 20100225  Clownburglar 022610~P1 200The victim told police that he was asleep about 7:30 p.m. when he was awakened to find the pair standing over him. At first, the men yelled that they were cops, then threw the blanket over him.

"The guy said he could still see from under the blanket though, and he described one of them as having 'clown eyes.' "[The victim] said he knew him as 'Happy,' because he had been staying there with him until recently," Sangberg said.

Some people are just stupid and that is that.

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