Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's Time to Impeach Some U.S. Supreme Court Justices

The legal reality is that Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, both nominated by the shrub, also both testified on tape and under oath, saying that the role of the Supreme Court is a limited role.

They both had agreed, (still under oath), that the court has to do what it does, while being equally careful about not stepping over its boundaries´ and by not invading the authority of the US Congress.

By not following their own rules of not over turning their own precedents and by invading the authority of elected officials in the US Congress, these justices have now lied while under oath.

Based on their own rules, all of the majority that voted for this decision are "legally eligible to be impeached and removed from their lifetime appointments to the highest court in the land".

Full Story

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