Thursday, February 18, 2010

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day are:

Faux's S'yawn Handjob tells us his new book is a pack of lies to "expose" Obama's "campaign" to "forfeit our national sovereignty".
So, how many lies did you pull out of you ass for this 'book', hey, S'yawn.

Faux's S'yawn handjob lies and says the wingnuts are at "war for our national survival" against Obama administration.
Then, again maybe he isn't lying in this case ... the wingnuts ARE at war, but at war to destroy this nation.

Lush Dimbulb lies saying that climate change is a "hoax" that is "about advancing socialism, Marxism".
Again, you blowhard learn exactly what socialism is first.

Is Obama taking America toward eugenics? "He'd claim no, but ... yes", lies Faux's Glen Brick
It is amazing how the NAZIS always say the same things ... forever accusing everyone else of being what they in fact are themselves.

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