Saturday, February 20, 2010

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today are:

Faux News talking head Ken Blackwell lies - "What we are witnessing right now" [in the Obama administration] is an anti-Christian programmatic pogrom" (a word which means an organized massacre, esp. of Jews).
It is utterly amazing these NAZIS keep spouting the same nonsense and thinking no one notices - they are still working on the 'final solution' and to throw people off they accuse everyone else of what they in fact themselves are doing.

Wingnuts don't see anything wrong when nice white, anti-government lunatics try to kill people.
They aren't 'colored' that's why.

Radicals on left and right coming to round up Beck, O'Reilly, Huffington, Olbermann and "shoot us in the streets" lies Faux's Glen Brick.
OK, from the right it is a distinct possibility - from the left, not so much

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