Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

The man who crashed a plane into the federal offices in Austin is being hailed as a hero by wingnuts.
These same wingnuts view Timothy McVeigh as a saint, so we know they have no grasp on reality.

The 'Dick' lies saying Obama's incompetence is getting people killed.
Nope, that'd be yours and the shrub's incompetence, there dick.

Faux's Glen Brick incites violence with blatant lies and fearmongering.
OK, this is true so it falls under just the fools category.

The snake named for a amphibian 'Newt' lies saying the "radical left is a secular, socialist machine" that will destroy America.
Nope, it will save America - it was the wingnuts who all but destroyed this nation until they were stopped in November 2008.

Faux's Glen Brick: "Our government looks at the American people as the bad guy".
No, that'd be Faux and the other traitors like Brick, Dimbulb, Handjob, etc., ad nauseum.

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