Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Wingnut media promote, give platform to "anti-government extremist" Oath Keepers.
Fools and traitors

Faux's Glen Brick lies: "Progressivism is the cancer in America and it is eating our Constitution".
Wrong, that is the wingnuttry you and the rest of the traitors are trying to do.

Faux's Glen Brick lies claiming that the Obama health care proposal puts "everything you do ... into a computer database for the federal government".
You moron, that database already exists and has been stuffed to the gills each time the repugicans have been 'in charge' beginning with that cross-dressing homosexual J.Edgar Hoover himself.
Don't get it wrong the database was added to in the Democrats were in charge over the years as well but in their case it was persons under scrutiny for criminal activities in lieu of everyone willy nilly as was under the repugicans.

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