Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Murdoch's UK tabloid blasted in parliamentary report

Despite what Murdoch's team have suggested, this is much more serious and more widespread than a single, rogue reporter.

The 167-page report by a cross-party select committee is withering about the conduct of the News of the World, with one MP saying its crimes "went to the heart of the British establishment, in which police, military royals and government ministers were hacked on a near industrial scale".

MPs condemned the "collective amnesia" and "deliberate obfuscation" by NoW executives who gave evidence to them, and said it was inconceivable that only a few people at the paper knew about the practice.

The culture, media and sport select committee was also damning of the police, saying Scotland Yard should have broadened its original investigation in 2006, and not just focused on Clive Goodman, the NoW's royal reporter.
You know Murdoch, he of Faux News ownership infamy.
Seems the British aren't as accommodating of his bullshit as are the wingnuts here.

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