Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nicaragua denies cancer treatment due to pregnancy

The American Taliban (excuse me, the radical religious right) is no doubt thrilled with this decision.

Nicaraguan authorities have withheld life-saving treatment from a pregnant cancer patient because it could harm the fetus and violate a total ban on abortion.

A state-run hospital has monitored the cancer spreading in the body of the 27-year-old named only as Amalia since her admission on February 12 but has not offered chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a therapeutic abortion, citing the law.

The decision has ignited furious protests from relatives and campaigners who say the woman, who has a 10-year-old daughter and is 10 weeks pregnant, will die unless treated. The cancer is suspected to have spread to her brain, lungs and breasts. They have petitioned the courts, government and the pan-regional Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to intervene.

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