Sunday, February 21, 2010

The President's new health care proposal to include power to block excessive rate increases

Done right, that would be great.

You can expect the repugicans, and the blue dog defenders of the insurance industry (you know who they are) to come out howling and screaming like stuck pigs.
President Obama will propose on Monday giving the federal government new power to block excessive rate increases by health insurance companies, as he rolls out comprehensive legislation to revamp the nation’s health care system, White House officials said Sunday.
Smart more - a very smart move.
It capitalizes on something in the news, something outrageous, something egregious and something that every American can appreciate.
(OK, so the troglodyte faithful can't appreciate anything they're not implicitly told to do so ... we hold out hope for a miraculous epiphany on their part and a rejection of their overlords by them - yes, we know it's futile, but we can still hope, can't we?)

We should see more of this from the White House, now that it has been determined (finally) that there is no 'bi-partisanship' to be had with the repugicans and that paying attention what the American people are saying - the real Americans, not traitors like Faux, Dimbulb and their ilk - is the way to get things done.

Once the experts get done looking at the details of the proposal tomorrow, they'll be able to confirm that it has teeth.
And that it will take a big bite out of the ass(es) of the grossly bloated insurance industry.

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