Friday, February 5, 2010

Repugican "holds" America hostage ...

... until his demands for earmarks are granted. Curious, I was under the impression repugicans hated earmarks ... it was my understanding that repugicans wanted up or down votes on nominations ...
Richard Shelby (reptile-Al) has put an extraordinary "blanket hold" on at least 70 nominations President Obama has sent to the senate, according to multiple reports this evening. The hold means no nominations can move forward unless senate Democrats can secure a 60-member cloture vote to break it, or until Shelby lifts the hold.

... according to the reports, Shelby is holding Obama's nominees hostage until a pair of lucrative programs that would send billions in taxpayer dollars to his home state get back on track. - TPM
They aren't the usual "run of the mill" nominees either, the positions that are not being filled, due to a Shelby's pork addiction, deal with "homeland" security.
Democrats are accusing repugicans of threatening national security by blocking votes on nominees to be the top intelligence officers at the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security as well as the number three civilian at the Pentagon. - The Note
“We’ve got a huge backlog of folks who are unanimously viewed as well qualified — nobody has a specific objection to them — but end up having a hold on them because of some completely unrelated piece of business,” said President Obama on Wednesday. “that’s an example … of the kind of stuff that Americans just don’t understand.” - Think Progress
The question that we should be asking Richard Shelby (retard-Al) is why he is a flip-flopper and why does he hate America ... OK, so we know the answer to that last part - he's a repugican.

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