Saturday, February 13, 2010

Repugican self-delusions

Russ Douthat has a good piece about Daniel Larison.

Who is Daniel Larison you ask?

Well ...

Daniel Larison has been writing a a series of withering posts on repugican self-delusions about this November, and beyond.

Here’s part of the latest one:
Consider what we have been seeing in just the last week. One of the few House Republicans with any coherent policy views, Paul Ryan, made an impressive budget proposal that his own leadership cannot run away from fast enough. In his first Q&A, Scott Brown simply ignored questions that pointed out the contradiction of supporting across-the-board tax cuts and demanding debt reduction, and it is this position of no taxes/no debt/no cuts that Republican leaders have been adopting. [Richard] Shelby’s blanket hold may be something that only insiders and activists notice, but it contributes to the overall picture that the minority party is unreasonable, petty and not fit to govern. This is not a party on the verge of a dramatic return to power.

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