Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rural North Carolinians Adapting To Landfill Plastic Bottle Ban

From Treehugger:

plastic bottles photo
Image credit:Concord, North Carolina

North Carolina now bans the landfilling of plastic bottles of all types - more information here - and this has become a practical issue in rural towns where curbside recycling is not offered. Winston-Salem Journal reports on how the problem was solved in one County. The president of Rural Garbage Services Inc. offered to pick them up for free: "In order to recycle their plastics, people in those areas would have to take them to one of the county's three recycling centers...Parrish came up with a solution for his customers: His company would pick up the bottles from its customers for free." Nice guy.

Although people could just hide the bottles in their trash, the law does seem to be having a positive effect.

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