Thursday, February 11, 2010

"There are no dissidents in China."

Or more likely it is just a case of delusion?
MOFAbeijing.jpg "There are no dissidents in China."

That's a direct quote from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman.

Ma Zhaoxu was asked earlier today about a Beijing court upholding an 11 year jail term for Liu Xiaobo, one of China's most high-profile activists.

According to him, they simply don't exist.

And with the Lunar New Year around the corner, China's foreign ministry spokesman also wished reporters at the press conference a "Happy New Year." But that wish came with a warning.

Ma said, "I just want to remind all journalists that next year is the Year of the Tiger and to be very careful when asking questions, to be cautious at our pressers. Otherwise the tiger here might not be very happy with you."

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs then proceeded to give a toy tiger to each reporter in the room.


Loco is the Spanish word for this, yes, Loco.

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