Tuesday, February 23, 2010

White House offers to post repugican's health care plan on White House website

Yesterday, the Obama administration posted its health care proposal on the White House website.

The summit is Thursday.

Although the repugicans have been trashing the Democratic health care legislation for months, they've never proposed one of their own.

Dan Pfeiffer, the White House Communications Director, has offered the repugicans a prime spot to show their plan -- the White House website:
What you can’t do just yet is read about the Republicans’ consensus plan – because so far they haven’t announced what proposal they’ll be bringing to the table. To be sure, there are many Republicans who share the President’s conviction that we need to act on reform, and there are several pieces of Republican health care legislation out there. Previously we were told this was the House Republican bill. Is it still? We look forward to hearing whether this the proposal they'll bring. The Senate Republicans have yet to post any kind of plan, so we continue to await word from them. As of right now, the American people still don’t know which one Congressional Republicans support and which one they want to present to the public on Thursday.

President Obama has been clear that his proposal isn’t the final say on legislation, and that’s what Thursday’s meeting is all about. But after a year of historic national dialogue about reform, it’s time for both sides to be clear about what their plan is to lower costs, hold insurance companies accountable, make health insurance affordable for those without it, and reduce the deficit. A collection of piecemeal and sometimes conflicting ideas won’t do.

As we said today, we’ll be happy to post the Republican plan on our website once they indicate to us which one we should post. We hope they won’t pass up this opportunity to make their case to the American people.
The repugican's don't have a plan for health care or anything else.
Finally, someone is calling them on it.

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