Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wingnuts turn venomous on Scott Brown over his vote for Jobs bill

From Twitter we learn that wingnuts around the country are under the mistaken impression that they elected a Newt Gingrich repugican in Massachusetts, a state that has gay marriage and universal health insurance.

And now they think he's their Senator too.

Newsflash, he's not: Below are some Twitterings on this (with all the misspellings and grammatical errors intact) - these people are real idiots.
it wasn't just the people of MA who put you where you are. Next time you vote like that I expect to be kissed first!

Well, I guess we worked our tails off to get another RINO elected. I'm so disappointed in Scott Brown

Hey, Massachusetts! How do you like Scott Specter?

You dont understand - We Americans Had Drawn A Line In The Sand With @scottbrownma - Its All Gone Now. #traitor

Michael Savage totally called it... @SCOTTBROWNMA sucks!

Congratulations to Comrade Scott "Marxist" Brown on Voting For Bolshevik Jobs Bill.

You're aiming for a 1 term seat eh? forgot, you can just run next time as a democrat.

Is being labeled "an independent thinker" more important than being labeled "a principled man"? Scott?

@ScottBrownMa is a phony. Votes for a bill to rip us off of more tax money. No wonder Ma voted for ya.

Brown's a PROGRESSIVE .. and will progressively turn all the conservatives against him. Such a disappointment.

All the work done to get @scottbrownma elected and this is how he returns the favor

Un-effing believable . Wow, I'm blown away you would vote for this?!? What was the payoff? Guess you're a 1 term guy. Fooled us

For Brown to cave so fast, I think we supported a loser.||NO we supported a FISCAL FRAUD not a HAWK

I thought your were a Fiscal Conservative. I like many across this nation donated to your campaign! Like Obama, YOU LIE!

ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK - I am sorry I promoted this traitor.

renegs on promise 2 B fiscal conservative after 1 meeting w/Reid I can't help being disappointed & nervous


The thing about @scottbrownma is that I knew teh betrayal would come. I just didn't think it would be so quick.

Was Right. Scott Brown Is Not A Conservative - Another Progressive RINO like McCain, Lindsey & Romney

@ScottBrownMa is another Evan Bayh only with a (R) after his name

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