Sunday, March 7, 2010

Big donor stops giving to repugicans over leaked fundraising document attacking Pelosi, Reid, Obama

More fallout over the 'secret' repugican fundraising document that recommended milking "ego driven" donors by playing on their fear that Obama, Reid and Pelosi were sending America into "socialism."

From Ben Smith:
A prominent evangelical figure and repugican donor says he will end his contributions to the organized repugican rarty in reaction to the leaked fundraising presentation that advised using "fear" to solicit contributions and displayed an image of President Obama as the Joker from Batman.

Mark DeMoss, who heads a two bit christian public relations firm in Atlanta and served as a liaison to the evangelical coven for Mitt Romney in 2008, wrote chairwimp Michael Steele yesterday that he was "ashamed" of the presentation, calling depictions of Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Majority Leader Harry Reid "shameful, immature and uncivil, at best."

"I’m afraid the presentation is representative of a culture and mindset within the repugican national cabal," DeMoss, a past member of the rnc's "Eagle" program for top donors who gave the party $15,000 in 2008, wrote in the letter to Steele, which he shared with POLITICO. "Consequently, I will no longer contribute to any fundraising entity of our party—but will contribute only to individual candidates I choose to support."

This is good news for the American people.
When even the most lunatic fringe of your lunatic fringe base doesn't like you anymore - you're in trouble

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