Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Criminal Miscarriage

This week, Utah overwhelmingly passed a bill which declares women criminally liable in some cases of miscarriage.

While there are other idiotic laws concerning abortion in other states and many even more idiotic proposed laws in those and other states ... The Utah law is unique in that it allows the mother to be prosecuted under certain circumstances.

This bill is the reaction to a 17 year old girl who, in her 7th month of pregnancy, paid a man $150 to beat her to attempt to cause a miscarriage. The child survived and has been adopted. The man involved has been sentenced to jail. The girl was unable to be charged due to the legal boundaries of the time of the incident.

The wording of the bill (just over 3,000 words long) makes it possible to prosecute a woman for seeking an illegal abortion, or knowingly, willfully, and/or recklessly behaving, at the expense of the fetus. Specifically in this bill, reckless behavior would include any activity that is known or thought to cause miscarriage.


Clearly unconstitutional it will be struck down.
That is unless the morons in DC get hold of it - and as they have proven over and over again they have no clue as to what is legal and what is not ... well, you just think on that.

Criminal Miscarriage indeed!

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