Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Tell a repugican from a libertarian

Found this over at Bartcop:

Posted by Beat Raven

Solutions in politics should be derived from answering the fundamental question:

What should the purpose of government be?

I asked about 50 people (mostly college graduates and all repugicans) that question,
and not a single one could answer. Try it, it’s amazing. You can just smell the ozone as their two wits short out.

Now, if they’re actually Libertarians, they’ll eventually say something like,“Government ought to just provide defense and infrastructure”, which really means “Leave business alone to loot, pollute, and steal”.

What the Constitution (supposedly sacred to the Right) says is: "We the people of the United States, (1) in Order to form a more perfect Union, (2) establish Justice, (3) insure domestic Tranquility, (4) provide for the common Defense, (5) promote the general Welfare, and (6) secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." (Numeration my addition)

That's not a big stretch from my Leftist friends to answer to my question: A government ought to provide for the welfare, health, safety, and education of its citizens.

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