Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's The Economy Stupid

It's The Economy Stupid

Grocery shoppers who try harder to track costs do worse, study finds

Anonymous's picture
Almost one in three U.S. households shop on a budget -- and one in six can only afford basic necessities. So it's no wonder that 78 percent of budget shoppers -- twice as many as those who shop without a budget (37 percent) -- try to track how much their groceries are likely to cost as they roll through the aisles.

Things your grocery store won't tell you

These 13 tips can help you spot old produce and avoid long checkout lines.  

A bleak season ahead for home sales

Many experts are expecting the real estate market to get even worse before it gets better.

How Lou Lucido Let AIG Lose $35 Billion With Goldman Sachs CDOs

Joseph Cassano insisted American International Group Inc. would be fine. The insurer had quit guaranteeing securities tied to U.S. subprime loans in 2005, before lenders got reckless, the head of AIG's derivatives unit told investors.

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