Monday, March 15, 2010

Jeffrey and Marci Beagley sentenced to 16 months of prison for their son’s faith-healing death

Should have been twenty to life!
Clackamas County Circuit Court Judge Steven Maurer sentenced Jeffrey and Marci Beagley to 16 months in prison this afternoon, calling the couple’s decision to not seek medical care for their 16-year-old son, Neil Beagley, a “crime that was a product of an unwillingness to respect the boundaries of freedom of religious expression.” [...]
“The idea of sending Jeffrey and Marci Beagley to prison is heart-wrenching,” Maurer said in a lengthy explanation of his sentence. “I think, certainly, that I’m in complete agreement with the jurors who observed that the Beagleys are good people.”
But Maurer said too many children had died unnecessarily because of the church’s beliefs: “It needs to stop.”

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