Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin Could Take a Lesson from Minutemen Leader Carmen Mercer

From Crooks and Liars
Apparently the leader of The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps in Arizona, Carmen Mercer has figured out that if you ask people to "come locked and loaded", they just might take you literally.

From TPM:
Minuteman Leader: When I Said To Come To The Border Locked And Loaded, I Didn't Mean Locked And Loaded:
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), the Arizona-based anti-illegal-immigration group whose members keep watch on the border, is disbanding as a national organization, after its leader asked for volunteers to come "locked, loaded, and ready," then got more than she bargained for. [...]
It appears that Minuteman members responded enthusiastically to Mercer's call to arms -- maybe too enthusiastically:
Mercer said she received a more feverish response than she expected and decided the group couldn't shoulder the responsibility and liability of what could occur, she said.
"People are ready to come locked and loaded, and that's not what we are all about," Mercer said. "It only takes one bad apple to destroy everything we've done for the last eight years."
In other words: When I told people to come locked, loaded and ready, I didn't mean locked, loaded and ready.
So she and the board's two other directors voted to dissolve the Minuteman corporation.

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