Monday, March 8, 2010

Lindsay Graham lies about reconciliation

Repugicans - They're liars, plain and simple.

The Democrats need to remind the American people, over and over, that the repugicans got us into the entire mess we are in, and that they are liars.

Lindsay Graham is leading the pack - the following is an out-n-out lie:
GRAHAM: Well, reconciliation will be used to clean up the Senate bill to make House members happy. House members are going to vote for the Senate bill and they hate it. And the Senate and the president saying, OK, we’re going to change what you don’t like.

And when it comes to the Republicans, you all don’t matter anymore. You just need a simple majority. So reconciliation will empower a bill that was very partisan. We’ve had reconciliation votes, but all of them had received bipartisan support. The least was 12 when we did reconciliation with tax cuts.
Now the truth, from ThinkProgress:
Graham’s claim that “the least” amount of Democratic votes a GOP reconciliation bill received “was 12″ is flat out false. As The Wonk Room’s Igor Volsky has detailed, during the Bush presidency, the Republican-controlled Senate passed three reconciliation bills with three or less Democratic votes. The 2003 Bush tax cuts were supported by only two Democrats and needed Vice President Dick Cheney’s tie-breaking vote to pass.
The White House and the Democrats in Congress are dealing with bold-faced liars.
They need to start treating them like it.

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