Sunday, March 14, 2010

Losing a friend

We here at Carolina Naturally just received word that a dear friend of ours passed away this morning at 3:34am after battling colon cancer for years and far longer than any of the doctors gave him time for.
We will miss you Doug.

On Sunday, March 14th, 2010 at 03:34 AM, Robert Douglas Shaw's battle with cancer ended.

The world just got a little less weird, and I don't like it one bit.

Douglas is to be cremated and a service for family and friends will be held in the eastern part of the state at a date yet to be determined. Another memorial service will be held at a later date for friends from Charlotte and Greensboro that are unable to travel to the funeral.

Doug has asked that part of his ashes be brought to CRF so that he may attend the 2010 Season of the Carolina Renaissance Festival.

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