Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
The wingnut's impotent and faux rage over health insurance reform continues: It "will do more damage than 9/11"; “Are we now in a world where there is absolutely no recourse to the tyranny of the majority?”; America is “hanging by a thread” and “our freedom has been assaulted" ...

Damn, it must be difficult to be powerless and full of phony angst ... then again they always have been that way.

Canada gives man Coulter a warning (excuse me Ann Cuntler) before she heads north for a college speaking engagement.
"Don't go spreading your hatefilled vile verbal bile up here...or you could be in a little legal trouble."
" will realize that canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. for example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. outside of the criminal realm, canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. i therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind."
This ought to be  fun seeing as how repugicans don't know what the word civility means...let alone how to spell it.
Virginia's wingnut-birther attorney general has filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government's health care overhaul law.
A spokeswoman for Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler says it's premature to contemplate a legal challenge to national health care legislation.
All repugicans ... OK, one blue-dog.

repugican mormon bigot now trying to use health care reform to take marriage rights away from gay couples
All the ugly that is the repugican party, and the mormon church, fully unleashed. All because the Democrats had the temerity to help provide health care to 30 million Americans in need, take away the pre-existing condition exclusion, and let parents add their adult-age kids on their insurance policies. Maybe David Dreier, Lindsey Graham, and Aaron Schock will come to our rescue.

Now Coburn, another wingnut repugican, is offering inane amendments to waste more time
You'd think we had no problems in America that needed to be addressed. 
I guess John McCain was telling the truth (who knew?) - the repugicans aren't interested in doing any more real business this year.

Here are Coburn's amendments.#3556 -- To reduce the cost of providing federally funded prescription drugs by eliminating fraudulent payments andprohibiting coverage of Viagra for child molesters and rapists and for drugs intended to induce abortion.

#3557 -- To require that each new bureaucrat added to any department or agency of the Federal Government for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act be offset by a reduction of 1 existing bureaucrat at such department or agency.

#3558 -- To revoke the powers given the Sec. of HHS under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

#3559 -- To help the President keep his promise that Americans who like the health care coverage they have now can keep it.

#3566 -- To require all Members of Congress to read a bill prior to casting on a vote on the bill.

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