Friday, March 26, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Liars and Fools
Delusions of adequacy I see.

The wingnuts already are gunning people down in the streets you idiots.

New Gingrich (reptile - Georgia) says Affordable Care Act is "is a coup d'etat by an elite ... to change America against the will of the people". 
Hey, Newt, then why are more and more Americans saying it was/is their will that the Affordable Care Act is now law? Oh, and in case it escaped your notice ... the overwhelming majority of Americans said it was their will that the act become law BEFORE the act became law.

Proving yet again the fat bastard doesn't know what a fact is or what a socialist is.
More threats from Teabaggers against members of Congress
But the best quote is:
Rep. Jim Moran, a fiery Virginia Democrat, got a visit from tea party activists at his office earlier this week. Aides got between the burly lawmaker and the activists. The activists, according to the congressman, asked whether he needed “bodyguards” to protect him.

“We’re not protecting him from you,” the aides said, according to Moran. “We’re protecting you from him.”
 You got to love it!
The there's this:
White powder, threatening letter, sent to Rep. Weiner's (D-NY) office

Tom Coburn hates unemployed people ...

 .... and wants them to suffer even more than we already are.
Tom Coburn (reject-Oklahoma) has blocked passage of a crucial package of expiring provisions, including extended unemployment insurance benefits that are scheduled to run out on April 5.

Coburn has balked at Democrats’ request for unanimous consent to pass the extensions, threatening a standoff similar to one that pitted Jim Bunning (rwptile-Kentucky) against the Democratic leadership last month.
The repugicans are hellbent on destroying America.
They are hellbent on financially torturing Americans.
They are hellbent on destroying President Obama.
They are hellbent on "breaking" him...and those of us who are sane and live our lives reality based.
So, here's a suggestion.
Since you are so hellbent why not just skip the middleman and go straight to HELL!

repugican blocks jobless benefits

Tom Coburn holds up a bill to extend unemployment.
David Frum loses think-tank job after criticizing repugicans
Three days after calling health-care reform a debacle for repugicans, David Frum was forced out of his job at the American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday.

Frum said the repugicans suffered a "crushing" loss.

repugicans cannot abide the truth ... especially when it is spoken in some sort of cosmic fluke by one of their own!

Eric Cantor Lied 
(as if we didn't know that already )
Police: Bullet random fire up in air, blocks from Cantor's office

For the benefit of our wingnut readers here is the definition of a lie: (1)A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions.(2)Anything said by a repugican, wingnut, birther, teabagger, etc., et al.

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