Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
Militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care
The call to arms was issued at 5:55 a.m. last Friday.
"To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."
These were the words of Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old militiaman from Alabama, who took to his blog urging people who opposed the historic health-care reform legislation -- he calls it "Nancy Pelosi's Intolerable Act" -- to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide.

You might be interested to know ...  Vanderboegh said he once worked as a warehouse manager but now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension.
In other words, he can have 'socialized healthcare' but you can't. Typical wingnut.

Teabaggers don't even like their own:
The Tea Party Express and other wingnut Nevada-based groups are telling self-proclaimed "Tea Party" candidate for the U.S. Senate, Scott Ashjian, to take a hike.

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