Monday, March 29, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
The face of insanity
Typical Wingnut

Another one flying over the Coo Koo's Nest
William K. Wolfrum tells us angry bird craps on blogger’s car – so democrats can just shut up about “death threats” -

In an attempt to show that Democratic politicians aren’t the only ones dealing with threats and violence, wingnut blogger William K. Wolfrum today admitted that a bird crapped on his car, which he called an “obvious attempt to shut me up.”

“You know, democrats are whining and complaining about receiving death threats and whatnot, but really, I’m the victim here,” said Wolfrum, formerly a back-up singer with the band A-ha. “But do you hear me complaining about it? No, death threats and bird crappings are par for the course in today’s world.”

The incident, which happened last march after Wolfrum published a damning column titled “Birds, Fuck ‘em,” cannot be verified by authorities, but Wolfrum insists he was the victim of an attack, despite the fact that he wasn’t actually in the car at the time of the crapping.

They claimed to have video proving no one spit on the congressman but couldn't show it to anyone because it dosen't exist.
However ...
Video of black congressman being spat on by white teabagger
FAUX's Sean Handjob tried to pretend that it didn't happen. 
Huffington Post now has video. 
It's nauseating. 
And listen to the crowd - these people are fucking insane. 
But they're also typical repugicans. 
If you don't do exactly as they say, even when they massively lose an election, you're a socialist dictator who must be stopped. 

Listen to the crowd. 
You wouldn't know that they controlled Congress for 14 years, and controlled the White House for 8 years, just until 14 months ago. 
Now it's suddenly the end of world. 
Nothing but Drama Queens. 
And the world despises Drama Queens.

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