Tuesday, March 9, 2010

News Blurbs

News Blurbs:

AIG's bonus getters are angry that you're angry about their humongous bonuses.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on - how's that for angry, AIG?!

A new report out of Finland suggests that the country's corporate poster child, Nokia Siemens, has been involved in some pretty tawdry dealings with Iran, dealings that go beyond the company's admitted involvement with the Iranian regime.
Business is business, you know!

Weight Watchers, which is a for-profit scam on fat people, has now endorsed McDonald's.
Nice to see their hypocrisy out in the open for a change.

New customers and customers who bring in new customers both get screwed by DirecTV.
What did you expect from one of Murdoch's vile companies?

Why does a salad cost more than a Big Mac?
Because the main ingredients in the Big Mac are government-subsidized, and the salad isn't, that's why.

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