Monday, March 22, 2010

odds and Sods

Odds and Sods
In Cop News

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As revealed last summer, Futurama will be returning this year, and while there were conflicts about the cast of the show in the late summer of 2009, a deal was eventually secured. Last week, Comedy Central confirmed the airing of the first episode, 'Rebirth,' will be 24 June 2010. Several other details related to plot and production have surfaced over the months, and for those interested, a full article is available on the subject.
Nannycam Puts Babysitter Behind Bars The video shows the 53-year-old babysitter allegedly pushing the boy, smacking him and throwing at ball at his head.

Nannycam Puts Babysitter Behind Bars

The US military is developing an remote-controlled airborne detection system that bounces radar off buildings to follow vehicles though a city

Tug-of-war has become a staple at a variety of recreational excursions: family picnics, team-building exercises, and reality television shows like Survivor .

World's fastest roller coaster by Ferrari

The Italian automaker is building an amusement park inspired by its superfast luxury cars.

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