Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sarah Palin Loves Socialized Health Care (When She's Paying For It)

From Jezebel:

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told an audience of Canadians this weekend that she used to "hustle" over the border to get her some of that cheap socialized medicine she now decries.

Palin, who called "nationalized" health care "evil" and suggested that, instead of reforms to lower costs, the government ought to just cut taxes, admitted that her family used to avail themselves of the cheap, high-quality health care Canada offers its citizens.

According to Dave Weigel at the Washington Independent, she said:

We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic.

Weigel notes that the closest Canadian city to Wasilla, Alaska — where Palin grew up after infancy — is more than 15 hours away, whereas Anchorage is less than an hour.

Sarah Palin Loves Socialized Health Care (When She's Paying For It)

What is the real shocker is that she can define irony correctly!

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