Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Scientific Minds Want To Know

Scientific Minds Want To Know

The brutal deed could explain mysterious heat radiating from the icy planet and the tilted, backwards orbit of its moon Triton.
The Achilles heel of ceramics is their tendency to crack when suddenly cooled – a material that cloaks itself in a blanket of air can fix that.
What the world needs now is technological pragmatism, not green fundamentalism, says the man who taught a generation how to drop out.

Get enough of the right brain cells to talk about the same thing, and out pops a conscious thought.
False convictions could be slashed by statistical tools that calculate the probability of "matches" being spurious. 
A young galaxy is making stars 100 times as fast as our own, perhaps fuelled by merging galaxies
OMEGA Systems - algae
The NASA-developed technology, called OMEGA (Offshore Membrane Enclosures for Growing Algae) is a low-cost and low-tech method for growing algae. Unlike other approaches to growing algae, which require construction of massive energy-intensive facilities, OMEGAs are relatively inexpensive. OMEGAs are inflatable plastic membranes filled with processed wastewater, CO2 gas, and freshwater algae. OMEGAs float in water, and can be anchored off the coast of any ocean or salt lake. As the algae grow, using the energy of the sun, they convert wastewater and CO2 into biomass, and oxygen. OMEGA’s uniquely utilize forward-osmosis membranes to permeate purified water out of the OMEGA and into the surrounding water.

Moon water comes in three 'flavors'

Not only is there variety in lunar water, but some of it may come from elsewhere.   

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