Friday, March 19, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation

Teacher out of job after stabbing student with pen for persistent farting

A Hawkins County teacher is out of a job, three months after repeatedly stabbing a student in the arm with a pen. Hawkins County School Board members voted to fire Pathways Alternative School teacher Lucia Carico Thursday night.

According to allegations presented to the board, on December 16, 2009, Carico stabbed a seventh grade student multiple times after he continued to pass gas and sing in class.

“Ms. Carico will now receive notice that this board has voted that if these charges are true, then dismissal is warranted,” Hawkins County Director of Schools Charlotte Britton said. The Hawkins County School System first hired Carico in 1973. Up until recently, there was not a single blemish in the tenured teacher’s file.

According to the allegations of fact, when Carico stabbed a student seven times in the left arm with a pen, a camera caught it all on tape. Hawkins County would not turn over that tape to us. The evidence showed Carico lied about what really occurred inside the classroom, Britton said. In the charge for dismissal, Britton gave five reasons that warranted Carico’s termination: unprofessional conduct, incompetence, inefficiency, insubordination, and neglect of duty.

And speaking of farts ...
Did you know that no two farts are exactly alike? It’s true. Farts are sort of like snowflakes in that regard. Little, invisible, smelly, snowflakes.

Mixed message on immigration fuels anger

Frustration mounts over the slow pace of what President Obama once hailed as a top priority. 
Hacker gets back at boss who fired him ...

More than 100 car owners in and around Austin, Texas recently discovered that their cars wouldn’t start. Or that their horns wouldn’t stop honking — all night long. Or that their vehicle leases were suddenly (and luckily, temporarily) transferred to deceased rapper Tupac Shakur.
All of these annoyances were thanks to a former collection agent for Austin-based car dealership Texas Auto Center, who is accused of taking revenge on his former employer by remotely disabling more than 100 customer cars. Twenty-year old Oscar Ramos-Lopez reportedly gained unauthorized access into the dealership’s remote vehicle immobilization system, which allowed him to stop customer vehicles from starting or cause their horns to honk continuously. Ramos-Lopez is also said to have deleted customer accounts and swapped celebrity names for the names of actual customers, according to a report by Austin NBC affiliate KXAN.
The vehicle disabling technology, powered by Cleveland-based Pay Technologies (PayTeck), is only supposed to be used when someone fails to meet their auto loan or lease obligations. Austin police arrested Lopez on Wednesday charging him with breach of computer security.

Terror suspect admits scouting for Mumbai massacre
Terror suspect admits scouting for Mumbai massacre.
A Chicago man admitted in court Thursday that he scouted out the Indian city of Mumbai before a 2008 terrorist attack that left 166 dead and helped plan an attack a Danish newspaper that never took place.

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