Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation
From Treehugger:
Photo via the Political Elite
Yesterday I noted that though it would likely to be a pretty tough slog, there are still a number of factors working in favor of the bipartisan effort to bring about clean energy reform. Key among those factors was momentum--Democrats, after all, scored a major victory with the passage of health care reform. Fresh on the heels of the bill's passage, 22 moderate and progressive senators have drafted a letter specifically petitioning Majority Leader Harry Reid to take up the cause of clean energy reform this year.
Article continues: Following Health Care Victory, 22 Dem Senators Call for Clean Energy Reform
Racism simmers below surface on health care
So blacks were not surprised that the health-care debate went from fear-mongering to blatant obstinacy.
Blacks weren't the only ones not surprised.

Idaho Leads State Revolt Against Naked Body Scanners
New law limits use of x-ray devices, mandates pat-down alternative, and forces feds to disprove health concerns.
Idaho Leads State Revolt Against Naked 
Body Scanners 220310top2

Idaho has set the example for others states to follow in the continuing revolt against naked body scanners, by passing a law that limits the use of the x-ray scanning devices in airports and government buildings and also forces Homeland Security to disprove health concerns.

U.S. population winners and losers

Texas claims the two cities with the biggest population gains in 2009.  

Judge rules on high-profile prom case

The ruling backs lesbian Constance McMillen's rights but stops short of forcing the event.  
It is still horseshit ... Let her go to the Prom.

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