Friday, March 26, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation

New national parks quarters unveiled

The U.S. Mint debuts the first designs in the series that will honor 56 national parks.

Philadelphia cracks down on flash mobs

Police say these impromptu gatherings organized online have left injuries and property damage in their wake. 
Well, someone held their breath ... and it worked (for now)
Texas death-row inmate Hank Skinner was slowly chewing his way through the enormous cheeseburger that was supposed to be his last supper when good news arrived: he'd no longer be forced to digest the artery-clogging meal in an executioner's chair.
The US Supreme Court intervened late yesterday to prevent a lethal injection from being given to the convicted murderer, saying it wants more time to consider his appeal.
Remember this is in Texas so ...

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