Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tea Bagger leader paid by the repugicans

Tea party leader paid by repugican run campaign to promote party goals.

One of the tea party's top leaders was recently paid $7,500 by a campaign run by a California repugican group to promote one of their ballot initiatives.

Mark Meckler is a spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots and had publicly distanced himself from the repugican party.
But state records show that he accepted the money for "petition circulation management" from the "Citizen Power Campaign Supported by the Lincoln Club of Orange County."

The Lincoln Club is a two bit player in state politics and this latest initiative is an ambitious act of political skullduggery.

The Citizen Power Campaign is trying to put a measure on the ballot come November that would make it illegal for taxpayer money for political activity.


Because that would remove a key source of funding for the public employees union, making it more difficult for pro-labor candidates to get elected.

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