Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Teabggers impotent at the ballot box

In Tuesday’s Texas repugican primary, tea party-inspired contenders found themselves blown out in races across the state. Gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina, who closely aligned herself with the lunatic fringe, picked up just 19 percent of the vote. And while a host of House repugican incumbents faced challenges from tea party opponents, the only one who faced anything remotely close to a scare was Ralph Hall — who dispatched his nearest competitor by nearly 30 percentage points.

It wasn’t the first electoral blow for tea party faithful. In last month’s Illinois primary, tea party favorite Patrick Hughes won just 19 percent against repugican Mark Kirk in the Senate primary, while gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski, who aggressively sought the support of tea party activists and won high praise from lunatic fringe outlets like RedState.com, finished a distant fifth place in the repugican contest.

And in November, Doug Hoffman, whose wingnut campaign for an upstate New York House seat was the beneficiary of support from grass-roots activists across the country, fell short to Democrat Bill Owens.

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