Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another day, another anti-government terrorist arrested.

Pipe bombs, anyone?

Limbaugh says this garbage every day: People like Giusti are "mad" and "worked up" because they are "being raped" by their government. And we get stories like this...
You see, it's spreading like wildfire.
A man accused of dropping more than 30 explosive devices into mailboxes and other locations across east Texas did so out of anger toward the government and was acting alone, federal authorities said Thursday.
Larry Eugene North was indicted Wednesday on charges of possessing an illegal firearm or destructive device. He could face 10 years in prison if convicted.
Authorities believe North is responsible for planting 36 devices between Feb. 5 and Wednesday, said Robert R. Champion, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Authorities previously said they had found at least 16 explosive devices, including five pipe bombs.
"These devices, over 30 in number, have caused fear in this community nothing short of domestic terrorism," prosecutor Brit Featherston said. "Today that fear stops."
North had been under surveillance for about a week before he was arrested Wednesday while placing an explosive in a Tyler mailbox, authorities said. A pipe bomb was found in the van he was driving and bomb-making materials were discovered in his home, they said.
FOX News has unleashed a monster on our society no matter how dumb Murdoch plays it. We live in a hugely populated country and the kooks are drawn to Fox. David and I have made the case over and over again that right wing talkers need to take more responsibility in how they go about their business. No matter how much they deny it, we're seeing the evidence every day of the violence that is spreading throughout the country.
Digby writes:
Imagine if he were Muslim...
Update: He is disabled and in a wheel chair. No word on whether or not he received disability from the despised federal government, but it's fairly likely. He also has some emotional problems, according to his lawyer, and is going to be given a mental evaluation to determine whether or not he can help with his own defense.
I'm not surprised that mentally unstable people are trying to blow things ups. They've always been around. It's just that right now, all they have to do is turn on Fox or the radio to hear a whole lot of angry voices egging them on, so it's becoming more common.
The Washington Post reports: Anger over health-care reform spurs rise in threats against Congress members
It's also good to see the MSM start reporting on the violence that is being spurred on by the anti-government crowd. We're seeing more heated anger boil over after the HCR debate and Fox has done their part, but it was simmering a long time before that, since the Limbaughs used it to really get the right inflamed. Now they are starting to act out on their hatred.

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