Thursday, April 1, 2010

As The World Turns

As The World Turns

Beheading Planned in Saudi Sorcery Case

A Lebanese man charged with sorcery and sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia is scheduled to be beheaded on Friday, the man's lawyer said Wednesday..
May El Khansa, the attorney for Ali Hussain Sibat, said that she and Sibat's family were informed about the upcoming execution.
She said she heard from a source in Saudi Arabia with knowledge of the case and the proceedings that Saudi authorities "will carry out the execution."
Sibat is the former host of a popular call-in show that aired on Beirut-based satellite TV channel "Sheherazade."
According to his lawyer, Sibat would predict the future on his show and give out advice to his audience.
El Khansa said her client was arrested by Saudi Arabia's religious police (known as the Mutawa'een) and charged with sorcery while visiting the country in May 2008.

Let me get this straight. So, a guy tells loads of lies on a TV program, suckering in idiots. He then goes to another country in order conform to another lot of lies. He is then arrested and sentenced to death by another lot of liars, on the basis of yet more lies.
OK. Got it.
Malaysian Muslim model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 33, who has been given a reprieve after being sentenced to a caning enlarge A Malaysian mother-of-two sentenced to be caned for drinking beer under Islamic law has had her punishment commuted.

18 Killed In Attacks On Mexican Army Bases

Dozens of gunmen mounted rare and apparently coordinated attacks targeting two army garrisons in northern Mexico, touching off firefights that killed 18 attackers.

Who could be the next Greece?

Despite worries about America's debts, emerging economies are more troublesome.

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